Ashleigh Solomons


University of the Western Cape

Ashleigh Solomons

What led me to this career? Initially, social Justice. I wanted to help those we couldn’t properly advocate for themselves. However, in completing my studies, I fell in love with the structure and various fields in law, the complexities and problem-solving nature of it all. Law is intellectually challenging and ever-evolving. It keeps me on my toes, it and I find myself learning new things every day.

In my downtime I like to

Rewatch all the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. I also enjoy playing video games with my friends.

My favourite sport is

Netball and Soccer.

Recommended read

I love romance novels so I would recommend It Ends with Us to anyone who hasn’t already read it.

Favourite game

30 Seconds.

If you could choose any person from history to be your friend, who would it be and why?

? I’d like to be friends with Princess Diana. I really admire her selflessness and her fight to help those less fortunate. I believe we should all, where we can and if we’re able to, do our part to assist those in need whether it be donating food items, old clothing or blankets that we don’t need.

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