Christine Mugenyu

LLB (Second Class Upper Honours)

University of Nairobi

Christine Mugenyu

What do you think makes CDH special?

CDH is a special law firm because it values and invests in its people. CDH has numerous continuous training programs that contribute to our development. We are always exposed to numerous opportunities of learning and sharpening our technical skills. This has greatly contributed to increasing our efficiency and the delivery of high quality legal services to our clients.

What does it mean to you to be a well-rounded lawyer?

Being a well-rounded lawyer is firstly a lawyer who has honed their technical skills in that they are able to deliver what is required of them in their work. Secondly this is a lawyer who understands their client's business and seeks to provide solutions that meet the needs of their clients. They also do not forget to take care of themselves and focus on what is most important in their own personal lives. They understand that achieving a work-life balance may not be possible but that it is actually all about maintaining a sustainable work-life rhythm. 

What advice would you give to a new CA interested in litigation?

I would advise them to identify a mentor to guide them as they chart their way in this area of the law. A mentor will teach them the practical skills they require in litigation and also offer invaluable advice on how to handle different matters. I would also advise them to read and sharpen their research skills as litigation requires having good drafting skills and being up-to-date with recent court judgments and decisions.

Which skills should law graduates focus on to help them adapt to practise?

Great research skills is a very important skill to develop and continue sharpening as a law graduate. We are always advising clients on their issues and having this invaluable skill makes you an asset to the team. 

Communication skills. Lawyers need good communication skills – written and verbal. Developing and working on this skill very early on in your career will benefit your professional career in the long run. 

Finally, having a good attitude and being a team player is a skill that greatly helps when working in teams which you will be doing after law school. 

In my downtime…

I love spending time with my family and crafting.

Recommended read…

The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

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